Psalm 103:20-21 Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word. Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.
(See also Psalm 148:2 Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his heavenly hosts.)
Angels have good reason to praise God - For their creation by God, for their preservation, for their happiness, in which they continue as they are elect of God in Christ.
They are always employed in the work of praising the Lord nor are they in the least backward in it, nor remiss. That is not why they are addressed as they are. Rather the design of the psalmist is only to show how great and good the Lord is and that angels, as great as they are, are under an obligation to praise him, and are bound to do so. He also intends to stir himself and others to this work, from such a consideration - that such noble creatures praise God.
C H Spurgeon
Finding his work of praise growing upon his hands, he calls upon "the firstborn sons of light" to speak the praises of the Lord, as well they may, for as Milton says, they best can tell. Dwelling nearer to that prepared throne than we as yet have leave to climb, they see in nearer vision the glory which we would adore. To them is given an exceeding might of intellect, and voice, and force which they delight to use in sacred services for him; let them now turn all their strength into that solemn song which we would send up to the third heaven. To him who gave angelic strength let all angelic strength be given. They are his angels, and therefore they are not loath to ring out his praises.